18 September, 2010

Hey pals.

How do you feel about the fact that is pretty much practically fall? If you’re in Edinburgh it’s pretty much practically winter. But luckily I live closer to the equator so I can ease into that fall weather one tiptoe at a time. Did you know sunset is one minute earlier every day here these days? Bring on the changing leaves, the crisp air. I love this season. Maybe it’s cause I’m an “autumn”.

Here’s some stuff:
1. I got a random call to help lead worship through music at a church around these parts for the next month before I return to NYC. I feel pretty honored to be using one of my passions to do something good. I think church is good. It’s crazy cause I haven’t done anything of the like in 5 or more years. I’m excited.
2. I’m in Lynchburg for the next month and I gotta be real with you. (Many of) The people here are Awesome. My friends here make my life better. They make me happier. And obviously too, my awesome parents are wonderful to be around. I’m getting to help my Dad get a new book off the ground and I’m happy to lend my skills to a worthy cause.
3. Sara Bareilles’ new music is GOOD.
4. Easy A was HIGH-larious. I laughed, I cried. It was great. The only parts I wasn’t impressed with were 2-fold: 1) Amanda Bynes acting. Eek. 2) The boring depiction of Christians. I’m so over that stereotype! Other than those 2 things the movie was a delightful gem. Go see it! Emma Stone is a star. Roger Ebert even said so.
5. I’ve been writing some music and I’m gonna play it for whosoeverwantstohear on October 2nd at a house show/get-together thingy in Lynchburg. Get in touch with me if you want some details. I feel major anxiety about this endeavour. I’m totally used to belting out Rodgers and Hammerstein’s music but my own? With a guitar? My own inner stuff out in front of other people for them to either like or feel complacent about or hate? Yikes. I feel in my gut that I need to do it so I’m gonna. Eek.
6. I’m getting so stoked for spending the fall in New York. An amazing living situation all but fell in to my lap. It will be great to audition again and be a little older, a little wiser, a little more street-smart if you will, this time around. Right now I’m just committed til Christmas time. I may apply to grad school to begin in the spring. Then again I may stay in NYC for a year or more. ☺ Who. Knows. !
7. I recently got some photos taken by the talented Duck Duck Collective. Here's a couple:

I think that’s all for now…what a great day to be alive. Also, if you smoke I think you should quit. Alright. Peace out girl scouts.


Kate said...

1. Love the last picture.
2. Love the list.
3. Would love to hear new music if I was still in Lynchburg.
4. Love the (apparent?) newfound passion for healthy lungs. What brought it on?

Heather said...

can't wait to hear all about your new york adventures :) the pics are so you ... love them.

Hilary said...

Katie, I've recently acquired quite a few friends who are addicted smoking. I feel like in my social circles there is a lot of 'social smoking' and that can turn into addiction real quick. If you look at the repercussions of smoking: cancer of all kinds, infertility, etc, it's just not worth it. It is really like poisoning yourself and it just goes against my values of living life to the fullest and embracing the life we've been given. So I'm no longer advocating it in anyway. Our generation knows "smoking is bad for you" but really. It IS. I think we've turned a blind eye/deaf ear to the issue a bit b/c we stop listening when people say the same thing over and over. That's my explanation. :)