16 October, 2008

Motherhood 101

Last week I had the privilege of accompanying 7 people between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old to the beach. 3 sets of parents came along too. Throughout the 8 day/8 night excursion I experienced many a wake up call, surprising moment, and new perspective. The following are a few observations I made on the trip.

OBSERVATION 1-Kids develop unique personalities insanely early. This seems sort of obvious but it is so interesting to see two preschoolers who live in the same environment have literally converse personalities. People are in part a product of their environment and the genetic traits they inherit but also just come out of the womb with distinction. Birth order has something to do with it...but some of it is literally just the specific personality God gives each of us.

OBSERVATION 2-This is linked to observation 1. Previously when I've encountered a child with an unbecoming personality trait I consciously or sub-consciously blamed the parents. It was somehow their fault. A kid with a sour disposition cannot be 100% blamed on a parent's childrearing.

OBSERVATION 3-Parenthood can be increasingly less stressful when finances are not an overwhelming concern. This makes sense. It's one less thing to worry about.

OBSERVATION 4-Oh. This is a biggie. Maybe the most noteworthy thing I recognized for the first time in my life. (Which is ridiculous by the way.)


Which leads to my conclusion that wives should have the ultimate say on how many kids to have.

OBSERVATION 5-To decide to have kids you must be so completely overwhelmed with the desire to have children that you are ready to give up all self-focus. You are no longer "[Insert name here.]" You are Mommy. So you better be ready. It's a whole life shift.

OBSERVATION 6-The constant supervision and care that small children need can be utterly exhausting. Sleep never feels like enough.

OBSERVATION 7-A good husband/father makes parenthood so much more enjoyable (bearable?). If they have the desire to pitch in and help and then actually do it the whole experience is improved for the mother by leaps and bounds.

OBSERVATION 8-Potential for being a good father (or mother) should be among the criteria considered in dating. Parenthood is for a majority of people a huge aspect of life. Marrying someone who would make a good father or mother is critically important.

OBSERVATION 9-The week at the beach severely diminished my (perhaps) romanticized view of parenthood. Taking care of kids 24/7 is a much more serious task than babysitting for a few hours. I was reminded that every season of life has joys and perks. Parenthood is something amazing in its time. I look forward to being equipped and ready when the day comes. For now I'm happy with my graham cracker-less life.

1 comment:

Ashli said...

Good insight Hil.