29 July, 2005

Closing Time...Open all the Doors and Let You Out Into the World...

As written in my journal as I was sitting in the Colorado Springs airport at 5:30 am 7/28/05…

I can’t believe it’s over. I’m sitting here in the Colorado Springs airport, eyes welled with tears because I have just finished my glorious journey. 8 weeks ago I did not know Jenny, Jenna, or Josh. 8 weeks ago I cried in the airport because I was leaving my home to go live in a strange part of the country with strange people. Now everything is different.
Not only have I learned that I LOVE Colorado, I have also learned that I treasure having close friends who are so wise beyond their years. I have learned my deepest weaknesses and learned what I am truly looking for in a mate some day. I have learned I have a passion to minister to and love homosexuals and I have a passion to learn all I can about postmodernism and how it plays out in my generation. I have learned that marriage is an unselfish choice to make you holy not simply a decision to make you happy. But most of all, I have learned that God has a specific plan for my life based on the experiences He has given me, the personality He has given me, the character traits and skills He has given me, and the passions He has given me.
I saw the movie “The Island” the other night. After it was over I couldn’t help but meditate on the vastness of God. (You’ll understand why after you see it.) It floors me that that same Creator God loves me and desires to use me somehow in His grand plan for the cosmos. Wow. He has even seen fit to bless me with little pieces of Heaven on earth—like the Focus on the Family Institute. I am so grateful.
My thoughts are best expressed through the lyrics of the second verse of a song I wrote this summer:
Lord I trust you with the future
Unimaginable and unknown
I often ponder why you’ve smiled on me so
Lord your plans are not my own
For the most part enjoyment
Has described all my days
I pray that you’ll guide us
To follow your ways
I thank you for blessing this time in my life
I pray that in my life you’ll be glorified


Jeffrey said...

cool stuff. shaunna and i had the same reaction after seeing the island the other night.

can't wait to hang out. peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

I am so so proud of the woman you are, Hil! I absolutely love you and it thrills my heart to see what the Lord is doing in your life to grow you more and more into His likeness! I love that He has given you an unyielding passion for people and for Him--praise God! He will surely use you to minister to hearts that have been burned and broken and need refuge! I love you, Hilary and I so eager to see how the Lord will continue to use your experiences to reveal Himself to you and mold you into His likeness! Lauren Pfister