05 April, 2009

Snapshots of a few birthdays and stream of consciousness birthday ramble...

oh my gosh. 24.



Believe you me when I was 15 I was pretty sure the rapture would happen before I turned 16. I just had this feeling. And now I'm 24. 24oooouuurrr! Whoa.

And I noticed something. Well 2 things.

1. My phone wasn't overwhelmed by texts at the stroke of midnight. Or calls. You wanna know why?

My friends are grown ups now. They're asleep. They have to work in the morning.

2. It's pretty crazy to be sitting on my birthday eve in an apartment by myself in New York. Pretty crazy...


(i think in order of top to bottom that is my 3rd, 21st, 23rd, 22nd and 20th birthdays. respectively.)


Ashli said...

Ummm.... helloooooo ....... I most definitely texted you a little birthday message when Greenwich Time Zone was nearing the start of your birthday day!

Kate said...

Happy Birthday! I was in fact asleep at midnight but I did think about you when I woke up and saw the date on my phone!

Shaunna said...

happy birthday!!!!!!! yes, they do change as we age...but still fun! much love!

John Carl said...

Awwww. :) 3rd birthday for the win.
