03 June, 2005

Can't Believe I'm Here...


It is my place of residence for the next couple of months.


Today I packed up and left Nashville International Airport around 7 AM...happened to be on the smallest plane I've ever seen (ok...been in....) and among the 7 passengers was...you guessed it...

Bachelor Bob.

Yeah, the guy who was the Bachelor! Not to be confused with any of the suave, hot ones...bachelor Bob got on the show because of his amazing personality and wicked sense of humor.

I liked him. :)

So flight #1 to St. Louise--2 thumbs up!

Flight #2 to Colorado Springs---2 thumbs down :-(

I won't give you a long synopsis of why it got two thumbs down...I shall just say that I have a long miserable history of ear trouble (they don't like going really high or deep under water...go figure) and so that made the flight pretty much suck.
Then I got off the plane, and hurried to get my luggage...and my bag never showed...


It shall appear soon...we are optimistic!!!

Anyway, now I am 25% settled here at the "Grand River Canyon" apartments, where I have semi-plush digs: washer/dryer, internet, dishwasher, gym, pool, hot tub, tanning bed...

And I am leaving in the next 5 or so minutes to go to our first big "Focus on the Family Institute" function. Some schmoozy dinner I think....

Where of course, I GET to wear my nifty "Focus on the Family Institute" long-sleeved, bright red t-shirt....along with 87 other people...


I shall write again soon! Comment if you like. :)


Heather said...


Have an incredible summer - Colorado sounds so nice right about now. Enjoy it for me. I pray God blesses you each and every day.


Anonymous said...

Yeah for the St. Louis Airport! that means that we were only 30 minutes apart today! it's a grand airport, one that i have spent much time in myself. have fun in colorado!!!

John C. said...

hey, you said "plush digs!" swank! :)

Jeffrey said...

Hey Hil--bummed we couldn't kick it before ya went out to good ole' Colorado, but have a great summer and try to get at least one day of hiking in for me!

Anonymous said...

long history of ear trouble...? now we have even more to talk about :) alas, someone who shares the burden of not being able to touch the bottom of the pool. and i have to agree with your friend... "plush digs" was pretty hot... and i forgot how much i like the word "swank." hot dang! we'll catch up again soon...

Hilary said...

jeffrey, I'm bummed I missed you too! Here's one cool thing though, my professor for my worldview class just spoke at the "Emerging Church" conference in Nashville. Maybe you heard him? His name is Dr. Chris Leland. I'm suuuper pumped about hearing what he has to say for the next couple months...