09 June, 2005

Did you know Focus on the Family has its own zip code?

Colorado Update…

Today marks my being here in Colorado Springs all of one week. In a way my week has flown by, but at the same time it has felt as slow and difficult as molasses. I am sharing an apartment with three girls: Amy from Oklahoma, Mary from Ohio, and Joy from Minnesota. Though these girls are very sweet and generally easy to live with, four girls in a two bedroom apartment does feel a bit tight…

I wish you could see the view from right outside my apartment. The beautiful majestic snow-capped Rocky Mountains. They’re so enormous I feel like they are only a 15 minute walk away…in fact the mountains I see take two hours to reach. The weather is amazing…except for last Saturday when the highs were in 40’s. Most days it gets to be around 72 or 73. It has been mostly sunny here with no clouds in the sky. Apparently we are a mile above sea level, so it is much easier to get sunburned. Yeah…learned that the hard way…but don’t worry Mom, it doesn’t hurt. J

My classes are guh-reat. I’m taking 8 credit hours totaling in 2 classes for the summer. In June I’m taking a worldview class, and in July I’ll be taking a marriage/parenting class. The professors and staff of this Institute continually amaze me. Apparently what time professors lack in the classroom (we only have class Monday-Friday mornings) they make up in one-on-one and small group get togethers outside of class. It is obvious that these people feel passionate about mentoring and investing in the students here. They are all pretty inspiring. We are encouraged hardcore to ask questions and dig deeper than we ever have before. My professor right now is Dr. Chris Leland. He has said multiple times that he doesn’t want us to think he has all the answers. “I’m journeying with you,” he says. He has also made it clear that he doesn’t want to be our “Bible Answer Man.” He related to us today that he takes seriously our questions and inquiries. “I don’t want to give a $5 answer to your $1,000,000 question.”


So ideas for weekend plans are currently being tossed around…looks like we might go see a movie Friday night, go horseback riding through Garden of the gods, go hiking, and/or shopping. My Sunday is already pretty full: church, worship practice (I’m in charge of 20 sensitive musicians…yikes), a cookout by the pool, and a small group meeting for class.

There is lots more to write about, but 80 more pages of reading is calling my name…hope this gave you a small glimpse into a day in the life of…me...


Anonymous said...

sounds fabulous... so glad that you are getting to experience that. i know the Lord is going to do something great in you this summer and i can't wait to see what it is! i love you, my dear friend... have fun this weekend! i'm jealous (-;

Anonymous said...

hil, i'm so glad you are getting such an awesome opportunity in such a beautiful place. i feel the long/short week complexity-idea. stay strong and take the time to rest when it is there. much love in Christ.