23 June, 2005

My Bridesmaid Dress

Today is update day but so far I don't have NEAR enough time to update you on all the things that I've experienced and learned over the past week. Wow, it has been incredible.

So, I' m going to postpone the Colorado update and instead show you the hot dress I'll be sporting at my first bridesmaid gig on September 3, 2005 at the wedding of Jenn McCarron and Josh Philpot: http://www.jasminebridal.com/web1/b2/jasmine-b2-s05detail1.asp?contactid=3%20&imgid=B3307

And yes it will be that color. :-)

Hopefully my expression will be a little happier though...


gwynne said...

yes, that model looks a little grim...and what a color that dress is! i'm sure you will look simply ravishing in it!

Anonymous said...

Hil-- you'll be stunning. The second picture on the website makes it even more ultra fabulous. I love that swoop thing it does!
